宁波佰利刀业有限公司是一家专业生产和出口西式酒店餐饮用品,厨师刀具,屠宰刀,屠宰用品,绞肉机绞肉刀盘网孔板,钓鱼刀具,商用烹饪用品等系列产品的专业性企业,为国内外同行所熟知。原公司成立于1996年,产品已经出口到绝大多数的美洲和欧洲国家,与国外许多品牌企业建立了长期合作关系。公司在不断加强OEM服务和合作关系的同时,独立创造和建设自身品牌,公司的BOLEX品牌在专业刀具和商用酒店烹饪器具用品行业有非常高的声望,以质量和服务赢得海内外客户的广泛认同和合作。真诚欢迎同行和客户,加入我们的合作队伍,共建美好未来和事业。NINGBO BOLEX CUTLERY INC. is a China historic manufacturer and exporter in this field for 28 years, who is mainly producing and exporting professional knives and cutlery for butchers and slaughters with most competitive price and best quality,plus some butcher supplies and catering kitchen supplies, meat grinder and spare parts meat grinder knives blades plates, etc.Our company BOLEX is famous worldwidely .Meanwhile ,we have offered OEM/ODM services of related items to many concerning business dealers and professional knives factories.Our main products are:1-Butcher knives,butcher supplies and butchery smallwares/tools.2-Catering and foodservice knives and supplies.3-Pizza and baking tools and supplies.4-Meat grinders and meat mincer plates knives cutters.5-Commercial kitchen utensils and knives lines.
联 系 人:孙妮
手 机:13486090961